Hi there. Today I will explain to the grade system for logistics companies. Companies using this system can see the features and spesific information their products in stock. Actually this system is a basic but prima facie it might be complicated.
What is the Grade System: Used for product portfolio and inventory management, to determine the criteria for the purpose of stock movements and is used to perform data load. Grade; such as the meaning ratings, the actual situation of the qualification, benchmarking.
Evaluated Grade 4 different categories.
- A Grade: In the case of actual or systemic product in this category is no issue. This products can be sold or manipulation to customer.
- B Grade: Product Sales is appropriate, but it may need to manipulation of the process.
- C Grade: Product Sales are not appropriate. It need to manipulation of the process.
- D Grade: Red Product. This products sales are not appropriate. Red is the case of disposal of the product or products to be sent for recycling.
Q. Control: This products have to control by the quality control department for grade status. It is not suitable for sale before the end of operations.
Grade system are determined by Radio Frequency Devices (RF) (terminals). Serial number of product have been scan for determined grade status When saved data load instantly moved to live or ERP programs. This data can be displayed in any report in the ERP program. In particular, the actual status of the products Stock Report provides convenience for users can be seen.
Before the sale product, can not be sold outside of it, after sale, sold operators to give information, to the reservation system and is used in many areas such as use of FIFO.